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Anchor Bolts
Anchor bolts anchor the bottom plate of your home to the stem wall. This is beneficial in the event of severe weather. The benefit comes from sinking them eight inches into the concrete of the stem wall of the home, and the J shape locks them in place.
© Home Creations
Woodford faucets are added to the exterior of your home. These faucets will not freeze if you accidentally forget to unhook a hose during freezing temperatures. A normal faucet that freezes can cause flooding and damages to your home.
© Woodford Manufacturing Company
A fully bonded, watertight assembly for tiled showers. This product eliminates the risk of failures due to water and vapor penetration. Schluter Shower Systems are installed in all of our Wellington and Elite Collection master bathroom tiled showers.
© Schluter Systems
Click here to learn more about Schluter®-Shower System.
Not all PEX systems are equal. We install AquaPEX® tubing in your home. This unique tubing is flexible and will not corrode. The flexibility allows for fewer connections and fewer potential leak points. The cold expansion fitting eliminates the possibility of human error in connections and gives a larger diameter fitting for increased water flow.
Tornado Straps
Some parts of the country call them hurricane straps, but the benefit is the same. Tornado straps anchor the top plate of your home to the rafters, keeping your roof more secure during high winds.
The ADT Command Panel allows you to control your home with a press of a button. Use your smart phone to arm or disarm your security system from virtually anywhere with the ADT mobile app. You can also control smart devices such as: thermostats, lights, door locks and garage doors.